Dear Clients & Patients,
Best Friends Veterinary Clinic is addressing the COVID-19 outbreak in many ways that will affect the way we do business and interact with our clients starting March 26th, 2020 and into the foreseeable future. As advocates of public health, we believe that staying proactive with our policies will ensure everyone’s safety while allowing us to keep your pets healthy. As we implement these policy changes, our hospital will maintain our high standards of service and Dr. Chapman will continue practicing medicine with the compassion she always has.
Please call 561-642-1247 to make an appointment before arriving at the clinic. We are limiting our waiting area to one client and their pets at a time. If we are at that capacity, you will wait in the car, with air conditioning on, with your pet until we contact you. We will be working diligently and spacing our appointments appropriately. We may ask that you wait in your car while we examine and treat your pet, corresponding with you via telephone. Afterwards we will return your pet, any prescriptions/food you may need and check you out from your car.
Please allow extra time as we implement these changes.
Please call (561) 642-1247 for any prescription refills & prescription food purchases. We will call you when they are filled and we will deliver & checkout all orders at curbside when you call us from your car. Again, please allow extra time when you arrive as we work hard to implement this new policy.
We will be implementing virtual consultations and exams at this time and we encourage you to use this service whenever possible. You can book your telemedicine appointment through our website using the red Telemedicine button, found on the left hand side. If you have any trouble, we ask that you refer to our booking instructions on the Telemedicine page, or call our office at (561) 642-1247 for help.
Thank you for your patience as we adjust our policies to help combat this global crisis.
-Dr. Chapman & Staff